Abubakar Usman & Rekan

Registered Public Accountants

021 - 5708084



Assurance service is an independent professional service with the goal of improving the information or the context of the information so that decision makers can make more informed, and presumably better, decisions. Assurance services provide independent and professional opinions that reduce the information risk (risk that comes from incorrect information). To provide a service that increases confidence in the information, we act independent and professional during the engagement.

The Firm has identified four essential features required to ensure an effective services approach :

  • Careful planning to identify the important areas and allow effective allocation of our resources
  • Full liaison with management throughout the course of the services
  • Professional quality
  • Services personnel of the good professional ability

The Firm in the following areas provide assurance service :

  • Regular Audit
  • Compliance Audit
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Special Investigation and Agreed Upon Procedure
  • Review
  • Internal Audit

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